Dealing With Corporate Bankruptcy
When your business doesn’t have the money to pay its bills, and you feel as though you are in way over your head, you might have to deal...
Bankruptcy Advice for Secured Creditors: Reaffirmation Agreements
I don’t think I can count the number of times I have had to explain to bankers, mortgage companies, and finance companies the reason that...
Inside A United States Bankruptcy Court
Those who consider bankruptcy may eventually have to go to a United States bankruptcy court. This does not have to be a worrisome...
Bankruptcy: Mistakes To Be Avoided
A lot of Americans have trouble with unpaid debts. It is not an uncommon occurrence to see people, debtors and creditors alike, filing...
Bankruptcy Information: Some Basics
Finding yourself in a difficult financial situation can be scary. Facing the possibility of dealing with bankruptcy can be even scarier,...
Bankruptcy Works When Credit Counseling Can't
When a person is faced with the mounting debts that they cannot pay, they may find that filing bankruptcy is unavoidable. Dealing with...
Possibilities Of Declaring Bankruptcy With Student Loans
If you are carrying a large student loan and are finding it hard to keep up with your payments, you may be wondering what options you...
Bankruptcy: What Landlords And Tenants Need To Know
There are technically six types of bankruptcy proceedings, Chapters 7,9,11,12,13 and 15 but only three that you are likely to have...
Eight Things You Must Know Before Filing Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy has become a kind of "quick fix" for debt that has gotten out of hand. Many people think it is easy to wipe the slate clean...
What Is A Bankruptcy Law Firm?
Filing for bankruptcy is a scary and challenging thing. There are many laws that you must follow exactly in order to correctly file your...