What To Look For In A Bankruptcy Lawyer
When financial crisis is on the horizon, it’s time to find a professional qualified to help you through the trying process of financial...

Understanding Chapter 13 And Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Chapter 13 of the bankruptcy code gives debtors the opportunity to repay some or all of the debts that are in their name, in better...
Finding A Bankruptcy Attorney In Mississippi
People living with debt that they can’t handle have a few options to choose from. They can contact a debt or credit counsellor and try to...
How to Endure Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Most consumers have heard of Chapter 7 bankruptcy but there is another type known as Chapter 13. This article details some of the...
Is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy For Me?
Changes in the bankruptcy laws have left many to erroneously think that they can no longer declare bankruptcy. This is not true. A...
BAPCPA Made It More Difficult To File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act was became effective on October 17, 2005 (except for a few provisions). This...
Congress Holding Debtors Accountable: 2005 Bankruptcy Law Changes
Under pressure from retailers and other companies claiming losses from increased bankruptcy filings, Congress took steps a few years ago...
Types of Debtor Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy is defined as legal situation in which a debtor cannot fulfill their monetary obligations. Debtor bankruptcy is when the...
Advantages of Bankruptcy
Consumers who are considering filing bankruptcy are faced with a lot of questions and are often not sure what the advantages could be- if...
Consolidating Debt Through Bankruptcy Court
There comes a time when many people have no choice but to seek bankruptcy protection from their creditors. If going through a debt...